Those are big words about the study of very small parcels of energy which Einstein named “quanta”. Research and discovery began as recently as 100 years ago so it really is a new science. It’s a fascinating subject because it provides new understanding of the reality of the universe we live in and has great meaning for anyone seeking truth about man’s existence. I'm not a scientist but I am learning about what’s being discovered and somehow I feel a need to share it. It concerns me that the human race is undergoing a paradigm shift comparable to the discovery of a round earth while most of us are busy watching American Idol.
There are two problems I will have. I don't know enough about physics to explain it sufficiently (I will refer often to experts), and the study of the very small is wildly unpredictable. Einstein himself called it "spooky". Niels Bohr, the imminent Danish physicist said, "If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet." Yet it continues to be thoroughly researched and tested - and is proven to be true 100% of the time.
The other problem could be even more difficult. New light is being shed on the nature of the universe and of God and man's relationship to both. Some of it may necessitate a rethinking of long-held religious beliefs. It is not my wish to force this change – just to present the facts as I'm learning them and help others see beyond what they believe is the only reality. The universe, including God, is much more amazing and wonderful than any of us have ever been told, or have ever imagined. Hopefully this dialogue will spur readers on to their own inquiry and they will be free to draw their own conclusions. Christians with more fundamental beliefs need not fear. Jesus told us the truth would set us free and there is no reason to doubt that. In fact I haven’t found anything that contradicts anything Jesus ever said. I myself am a born again, spirit-filled Christian who is excited about the new convergence of science and spirituality. I always thought it should be possible. We like to tell God we want more. Are we ready for what he would show us? If so maybe we'll see why our church experience has become so wanting.
Here are a couple things to think about before I start. 1. The material world is an illusion. There is no such thing as physical matter. Everything is part of an energy field which vibrates at different intervals. 2. Everything that exists, or has ever existed, is part of what created it. We've heard it so often that it has become a cliche, but now it's beginning to be proven. We're all one.