Sunday, January 6, 2013


It’s a new year and I feel a renewed vigor to find out why I don’t have the mind of Christ yet. PauI said it’s the goal of the Christian life, but how and when do we get it? I’m going to be 70 this year and there isn't a whole lot of time left. I don’t see it happening to many of my friends either. Most of them seem to be just getting by. But just when I decide that it’s only wishful thinking I read where Jesus says, “Be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect”. He wouldn’t say that if it wasn’t possible. I still think we’re missing something. Anyone who reads my blogs knows I’ve come to the conclusion that we don’t get the Mind of Christ by believing the right things about Jesus. In Discover the Power Within You Eric Butterworth says, “You must come to believe about yourself what Jesus believed about himself”. I believe that. Now what was it that Jesus believed?

I would think that his final prayer before leaving the earth would be some of the most revealing words he ever spoke, and also the most likely to be remembered verbatim by the gospel writers. And what does he use this momentous occasion to say? He asks God to show us our unity with one another and our connection to him, and to the Father. He prays, "that I myself may be in them" and "that they will all be one (read remember that they are one) just as you and I are one, just as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. I am in them and you are in me“. This One-ness he speaks about only began to make sense to me when I learned a little bit about Quantum Physics. It was a kind of missing link for me for the understanding of things the bible says about God and our relationship to him - things like his spirit living in us - like him being everywhere and knowing even when a sparrow falls - like numbering both the stars in the sky and the hairs on my head.

Jesus knew what the rest of us are just now beginning to learn about quantum physics - the reality of life that creates, governs and sustains the universe lies far beyond the material world which has captured us all. How often did Jesus tell us not to fall for the things of this world? In the Gospel of Thomas he had much more to say about this illusion. Alas, The Church condemned the Gospel of Thomas as heresy so no one was allowed to read it. As a result we’ve gotten so involved with our earthly existence we have not seen the true reality of life (“the truth that can set us free”). Remember the great words of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience”. This involves a proper understanding of the word “eternal”. It means more than without end. It also means without beginning. That means we have existed since the time when there was nothing but God from whence we all came. All of life is a constant flow of His energy (“made in his image and likeness”) connected in a dazzling array of different manifestations. God is Christ teaching us the truth about who we are (“saving us”). He is also Jim Pons trying to figure it all out. 

Jesus also said that Jim Pons is not of this world, even as He is not of it. What then, am I of? It’s beginning to look like some magnificent manifestation of divinity that we're all part of and connected to. Somewhere in our understanding of that magnificence is our connection with God… and the missing Mind of Christ.


  1. Hi Jim. I enjoy reading your blog. I wonder if I dare share the source from which I gained my answers to these very questions. They came from a source that so many choose to insult and blaspheme. But, out of courtesy AND curiosity, I invited the bearers of this message into my home, and I received the answers I had been seeking for so long. Furthermore, after fervent prayer, I received a SURE KNOWLEDGE that what the bearers of this message was sharing me, was ABSOLUTELY TRUE. One KNOWS when the Holy Spirit speaks to you; there is no disputing the amazing feeling of pure, concentrated love, coupled with unspeakable joy, coursing through your soul!

    Therefore, I invite you to invite the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to share with you what has been expanded on through Latter-Day Revelation.

    This is, of course, always your choice, and certainly, if you are in strong opposition of advancing your knowledge and answers by associating with members of this faith, that which are referred to as 'Mormons" (this, because an early prophet by the name of 'Mormon', abridged the records of early peoples here on the North American Continent which were made upon plates of thin gold sheets).

    Whether you do or don't is your choice. My choice was to share this little bit with you, and let you at least know that answers can be found.

    May God's blessings be upon you.

    Yours in the Savior's love.

    Linda Stradley

  2. Hi Jim. I enjoy reading your blog. I wonder if I dare share the source from which I gained my answers to these very questions. They came from a source that so many choose to insult and blaspheme. But, out of courtesy AND curiosity, I invited the bearers of this message into my home, and I received the answers I had been seeking for so long. Furthermore, after fervent prayer, I received a SURE KNOWLEDGE that what the bearers of this message was sharing me, was ABSOLUTELY TRUE. One KNOWS when the Holy Spirit speaks to you; there is no disputing the amazing feeling of pure, concentrated love, coupled with unspeakable joy, coursing through your soul!

    Therefore, I invite you to invite the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to share with you what has been expanded on through Latter-Day Revelation.

    This is, of course, always your choice, and certainly, if you are in strong opposition of advancing your knowledge and answers by associating with members of this faith, that which are referred to as 'Mormons" (this, because an early prophet by the name of 'Mormon', abridged the records of early peoples here on the North American Continent which were made upon plates of thin gold sheets).

    Whether you do or don't is your choice. My choice was to share this little bit with you, and let you at least know that answers can be found.

    May God's blessings be upon you.

    Yours in the Savior's love.

    Linda Stradley

  3. Hi Jim. I enjoy reading your blog. I wonder if I dare share the source from which I gained my answers to these very questions. They came from a source that so many choose to insult and blaspheme. But, out of courtesy AND curiosity, I invited the bearers of this message into my home, and I received the answers I had been seeking for so long. Furthermore, after fervent prayer, I received a SURE KNOWLEDGE that what the bearers of this message was sharing me, was ABSOLUTELY TRUE. One KNOWS when the Holy Spirit speaks to you; there is no disputing the amazing feeling of pure, concentrated love, coupled with unspeakable joy, coursing through your soul!

    Therefore, I invite you to invite the Missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to share with you what has been expanded on through Latter-Day Revelation.

    This is, of course, always your choice, and certainly, if you are in strong opposition of advancing your knowledge and answers by associating with members of this faith, that which are referred to as 'Mormons" (this, because an early prophet by the name of 'Mormon', abridged the records of early peoples here on the North American Continent which were made upon plates of thin gold sheets).

    Whether you do or don't is your choice. My choice was to share this little bit with you, and let you at least know that answers can be found.

    May God's blessings be upon you.

    Yours in the Savior's love.

    Linda Stradley

  4. I have NO idea why it posted three times! I only posted it once and then shut my phone down to save energy, since the charge on my battery was almost gone. Sometimes my phone takes on a life of it's own!
